
Application for the XXXVI JAM Meeting

Billetera con tarjetas de crédito

If you have a Visa or Mastercard credit card, you can pay your registration fee for the XXXVI JAM to be held in El Calafate (Santa Cruz province, Argentina) between September 23 and 26 this year. Please note that this

Precio:  No aplica

Payment of membership fee

Billetera con tarjetas de crédito

You can pay your membership fee by credit card using the site’s purchase and payment system. SAREM accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. You only have to add one membership fee (Quantity: 1) to the shopping cart and proceed to

Precio:  No aplica

Payment of publication on Notas sobre Mamíferos Sudamericanos

Billetera con tarjetas de crédito

The publication cost (per article, not per page) is USD 20 for general public and USD 10 for SAREM members with no pending dues (one author member is enough). It can be paid online by credit card. SAREM accepts Visa,

Precio:  No aplica

Your Basket

A reminder of the two possible payment methods:

Payment Methods

First Option

Payments may be made to any of our Regional Delegates or via wire transfer or bank deposit to the following SAREM account:

SAREM Current Account
BBVA Francés Bank

No. 475-1298/6 (Beneficiary Account)
BRN: 0170475820000000129864
Tax ID Number: 33-70782409-9

And then send the invoice to SAREM’s accounting department.

Second Option

You may pay online from this page by credit card. SAREM accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.